Release Notes

Notes about releases

[4.2.2] - 2017-03-19

Bug fix

  • Error 501 when use SolrCloud (#199, #203)

[4.2.1] - 2017-01-31

Bug fix

  • Wrong variable used in result Interceptors execution (#197)

[4.2.0] - 2017-01-20


  • Authentication system (#181)

NOTE Basic Auth & Kerberos plugins and Rule-based Authorization plugin was added in 5.3

[4.1.2] - 2017-01-19

Bug fix

  • Wrong facets exclude tags semantics (#194)

[4.1.1] - 2017-01-16

Bug fix

  • DI bugs in full .NET framework (#186)

[4.1.0] - 2017-01-13


  • Better way to find Minimum/Maximum in range facet result in SOLR 5.0 (#131)
  • Improve performance (#132 and #167)
  • Create unit tests to Checker class (#168)
  • QueryAll in extension class (#169)
  • Review package references in .Net Standard 1.6 (#178) - closes (#177)
  • Filter using AnyValue in extension class (#183)
  • Option to not calculate facet range before and after (#184) - closes (#180)

[4.0.7] - 2016-12-14

Bug fix

  • Default parameters conflit with configued parameters (#175)

[4.0.6] - 2016-12-13

Bug fix

  • Wrong dependency injection (#173)

[4.0.5] - 2016-12-13

Bug fix

  • Inaccessible internal services when configure multiple Documents (#172)

[4.0.4] - 2016-12-02


  • Create tag property in Facet itens (#166)

[4.0.3] - 2016-12-01


  • Create tag property in Facet itens (#165)

[4.0.2] - 2016-09-26

Bug fix

  • SearchResult.Info.PageNumber not equal to StartParameter.Value (#157)


  • Create validation when use SolrExpress.Core.Update.AtomicDelete with 0 documentIds (#149)

[4.0.1] - 2016-09-14

Bug fix

  • ISearchParameterBuilder.Filter, parameters 'from' and 'to' must be default null (#152)
  • Unable to resolve service for type 'IEngine' while attempting to activate 'SearchParameterBuilder` (#154)


  • SolrExpress.Core.Search.ISolrSearch.Add methods must return itself instance (#150)
  • ISolrSearch must accept AddRange (#153)

[4.0.0] - 2016-09-14

Bug fix

  • Friendly assembly wont work (#122)
  • Check if parameter called "parameters" is null in result processors (#142)
  • Invalid cast when a facet range is created using a field of long type (#143)
  • Wrong query when using SpatialFilter (#148)


  • Cleanup in package.json files (#138)
  • Create benchmarks (#139)
  • Create interface to be used in DocumentCollection, SolrQueryable e SolrAtomicUpdate classes (#140)
  • DI review (#141)
  • Code review (#147)


Issues (#141) and (#147) causes BREAKING CHANGES


  • To use DocumentCollection


var provider = new Provider("http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts");
var resolver = new SimpleResolver().Configure();
var configuration = new Configuration();
var techProducts = new DocumentCollection<TechProduct>(provider, resolver, configuration);


Using Net.Core
serviceCollection.AddSolrExpress<TechProduct>(builder => builder
    .UseOptions(/*options instance*/) // Optionally
    .UseSolr5()); // Or UserSolr4()

In some controller/service/however
public ClassConstructor(IDocumentCollection<TechProduct> techProducts)

Using Net4 or Net4.5
techProducts = new DocumentCollectionBuilder<TechProduct>()
    .UseOptions(/*options instance*/) // Optionally
    .UseSolr5()  // Or UserSolr4()
  • To create a new parameter without using ISolrSearch


var parameter = new QueryParameter<TechProductDocument>().Configure(new QueryAll());


Using Net.Core
In some controller/service/however
public ClassConstructor(ISearchParameterBuilder<TDocument> parameterBuilder)
    var parameter = parameterBuilder.Query(new QueryAll());

Using Net4 or Net4.5
Sorry bro... continues using the old way :/

[3.1.2] - 2016-07-30


  • Add default parameters (#125)
  • Create unit test to test validations methods (#129)
  • Organize changelogs in file (#133)
  • Change projects dependencies (#136)

[3.1.1] - 2016-07-19

Bug fix

  • Create mincount using solr field name rather than POCO property name (#128)
  • In sort validation, must use "index" property rather than "stored" property (#127)
  • Need encode parameters in FacetRange (#123)


  • Change all properties in SolrExpress.Core.Query.ParameterValue.* classes to public {get; private set;} (#130)
  • Use List< IParameter > parameters to calculate gaps and discovery facet types (#46)
  • Recode Core.Query.ParameterValue.Range<> (#126)
  • Use min.count = 1 (#50)

[3.1.0] - 2016-07-12

Bug fix

  • Wrong default namespace in xprojs (#121)
  • Create wrong parameter when use BoostType.Boost (#117)


  • Ignore list (#118, #120)
  • Change base version to 4.0 and add support to 4.5 rather than 4.5.1 (#119)
  • Rename class Statistic to Info (#116)
  • Implements random sort (#110)

[3.0.0] - 2016-07-07


  • Support to .Net Core 1.0 (#109)
  • Interceptors (Query and Result) and Parameters in global form (#114)
  • Create handler parameter to avoid string in Execute method (#115)

NOTES All projects are signed by default (no more *.Signed packages)

[2.1.0] - 2016-05-13

Bug fix

  1. In Solr 5.5, when 2 sorts parameters are added, a bad format is created and Solr don't process the request (#101)
  2. Description of exception InvalidParameterTypeException is bad formatted (#100)


  1. Extensions (#99, #103)
  2. Atomic update (#106)
  3. Simple interceptions (#104, #105)
  4. Boost parameter (#102)
  5. Exception description (#98)

[2.0.0] - 2016-05-05

Bug fix

  • Fix hyperlink to samples in (#93)


  • Code cleanup and reorganization
  • Improves in DI
  • Atomic update (#94)

[] - 2016-01-06

Bug fix

  • NuGet mistakes (#86)
  • Unit test fix (#89)


  • Rename ParameterValue classes removing "Value" suffix (#90)
  • Create SpatialFilterParamaterValue (#91)
  • Docs updat (#85)
  • Create a better way to discovery field type in facet ranges (#53)
  • Create FreeParameter (#83)
  • ThrowHelper (#88)
  • Create option to choose request handler (#82)
  • Fluent language (#87)

[] - 2015-12-15

  • NuGet mistakes

[] - 2015-12-10

  • NuGet mistakes

[1.1.0] - 2015-12-10

Bug fix

  • Wrong query when use MultiValue and SolrQueryConditionType (#76)


  • Change namespace of class IDocument (#78)
  • Migrate Fluent Api to core project (#66)
  • StatisticResultBuilder must result a class (#77)
  • Update to C# 6.0 (#38)


  • Signed package enhancement (#65)
  • Globalization (#42)

[1.0.01] - 2015-08-27

All Is Said And Done :)

Read the documentation and if you have some question or find some error, please, contact me