Fail fast

Fail fast feature use indexed and stored properties of SolrFieldAttribute to validate use of fiels and throws exceptions if a not allowed use has made.

To use this feature, follow bellow steps:

  1. Active featue in SolrOptions (actived by default):

''' // Also, you can use ConfigueOptions var options = new DocumentCollectionOptions { FailFast = true // <-- This make the magic happens }; '''

  1. Configure SolrFieldAttribute
public class TechProductDocument : IDocument
    [SolrFieldAttribute("some_field1", Indexed = false, Stored = true)]
    public string SomeField1 { get; set; }

    [SolrFieldAttribute("some_field2", Indexed = true, Stored = false)]
    public string SomeField2 { get; set; }

Now, some things will occur when use SomeField, see bellow:

Use case Using method SomeField1 SomeField2
Faceting FacetField Throws exception Works well
Faceting FacetQuery Throws exception Works well
Faceting FacetRange Throws exception Works well
Filtering Filter Throws exception Works well
Get contents Fields Works well Throws exception
Search Query Throws exception Works well
Sorting Sort Throws exception Works well


See more in field options by use case;