Fail fast
Fail fast feature use indexed and stored properties of SolrFieldAttribute to validate use of fiels and throws exceptions if a not allowed use has made.
To use this feature, follow bellow steps:
- Active featue in SolrOptions (actived by default):
''' // Also, you can use ConfigueOptions var options = new DocumentCollectionOptions { FailFast = true // <-- This make the magic happens }; '''
- Configure SolrFieldAttribute
public class TechProductDocument : IDocument
[SolrFieldAttribute("some_field1", Indexed = false, Stored = true)]
public string SomeField1 { get; set; }
[SolrFieldAttribute("some_field2", Indexed = true, Stored = false)]
public string SomeField2 { get; set; }
Now, some things will occur when use SomeField, see bellow:
Use case | Using method | SomeField1 | SomeField2 |
Faceting | FacetField | Throws exception | Works well |
Faceting | FacetQuery | Throws exception | Works well |
Faceting | FacetRange | Throws exception | Works well |
Filtering | Filter | Throws exception | Works well |
Get contents | Fields | Works well | Throws exception |
Search | Query | Throws exception | Works well |
Sorting | Sort | Throws exception | Works well |
See more in field options by use case;