Solr Express

Documentation on getting started with SolrExpress is available at getting started.

Tutorials is available at tutorials.

And release notes is available at release notes.

Codacy Badge Travis build status

.Net 4.0 .Net 4.5 .Net Core

Solr 4+ Solr 5.3+ Solr 6+


A simple and lightweight query .NET library for Solr, in a controlled, buildable and fail fast way.


The source for Solr4 and Solr5 providers are included in this project.

Provider Package name Stable (master branch)
Solr4 SolrExpress.Solr4 NuGet
Solr5 SolrExpress.Solr5 NuGet

Dependency Injectors Containers

The source for Autofac, CoreClr, Ninject and Simple Injector containers are included in this project.

Provider Package name Stable (master branch)
Autofac SolrExpress.DI.Autofac NuGet
Native .Net Core SolrExpress.DI.CoreClr NuGet
Ninject SolrExpress.DI.Ninject NuGet
Simple Injector SolrExpress.DI.SimpleInjector NuGet