Breaking changes in version 5.0
To full details of changes (why?, how? and for?), see issue
- No more support to .Net 4.0 (update to version 4.5)
- No more support to ISearchInterceptor (lost feature, incompatible with issue)
- Class DocumentCollectionOptions was renamed to SolrExpressOptions (rename in your project)
- Class SearchResult was renamed to SearchResultBuilder (rename in your project)
- Class SimpleLogInConsoleResultInterceptor was renamed to SimpleLogInConsole (rename in your project)
- Enumerator SolrSpatialFunctionType was renamed to SpatialFunctionType (rename in your project)
- Interface IRandomSortParameter was renamed to ISortRandomlyParameter (rename in your project)
- Interface IResult was renamed to ISearchResult (changing the mean of interface) (rename in your project)
- Interface ISearchParameterCollection was renamed to ISearchItemCollection (rename in your project)
- Interface ISearchParameterExecute was renamed to ISearchItemExecution (rename in your project)
- Method Configure from interface IAtomicDelete was renamed to Execute (rename in your project)
- Method Configure from interface IAtomicUpdate was renamed to Execute (rename in your project)
- Method SetHandler from class DocumentSearch was renamed to Handler (rename in your project)
- Namespace SolrExpress.Core was renamed to SolrExpress (rename in your project)
- Namespace from class RequestHandler was renamed to SolrExpress.Search.Parameter (rename in your project)
- Namespace from class SolrSpatialFunctionType was renamed to SolrExpress.Core.Search (rename in your project)
- Property Expression from interface IFacetFieldParameter was renamed to FieldExpression (rename in your project)
- Property Expression from interface IFacetRangeParameter was renamed to FieldExpression (rename in your project)
- Property Expressions from interface IFieldsParameter was renamed to FieldExpressions (rename in your project)
Follow interfaces was removed:
- IAtomicInstruction
- IConvertJsonObject
- IConvertJsonPlainText
- IDocument (use concret class Document instead) (change in your project)
- IDocumentCollection\<TDocument> (use concret class DocumentCollection\<TDocument> instead) (change in your project)
- IFacetFieldParameter (use concret class FacetFieldParameter instead) (change in your project)
- IFacetFieldResult (use interface IFacetsResult instead) (change in your project)
- IFacetQueryParameter (use concret class FacetQueryParameter instead) (change in your project)
- IFacetQueryResult (use interface IFacetsResult instead) (change in your project)
- IFacetRangeParameter (use concret class FacetRangeParameter instead) (change in your project)
- IFacetRangeResult (use interface IFacetsResult instead) (change in your project)
- IFacetSpatialParameter (use concret class FacetSpatialParameter instead) (change in your project)
- ISearchParameterValue (use concret class SearchQuery instead) (change in your project)
- ISolrAtomicUpdate (use concret class DocumentUpdate instead) (change in your project)
- ISolrSearch (use concret class DocumentSearch instead) (change in your project)
- IValidation
Follow classes was removed:
- InformationBuilder
- InvalidParameterTypeException
- UnexpectedJsonFormatException
- UnknownResolveResultBuilderException
Class SolrFieldAttribute lost properties:
- Indexed
- Stored
- OmitNorms
Method Config
Follow interfaces lost method Config (Use extensions methods instead)
- IAnyParameter
- IBoostParameter
- IFacetFieldParameter
- IFacetLimitParameter
- IFacetQueryParameter
- IFacetRangeParameter
- IFacetSpatialParameter
- IFieldsParameter
- IFilterParameter
- ILimitParameter
- IMinimumShouldMatchParameter
- IOffsetParameter
- IQueryFieldParameter
- IQueryParameter
- IRandomSortParameter
- ISortParameter
- ISpatialFilterParameter